i dont know what exactly better for graphical and gameplay changing a more souce-port-mod. RTX is fork based on two another ports\forks. Q2RTX by the way, also a authentic OpenGL source-port if re-\started in -gl render. For more improvments ->DirectQ2->Yamagi-Q2RTX->someting else. An RTX version of Quake II was released on Steam a couple of years ago, but I tried it, and it does not seem to work with this new enhanced edition, which is a bit of a bummer. Im not sure if this is a better way change render from general Opengl to D3D than updating old general limited opengl 1.0 render to no-limitation general OpenGL 3.2 as Yamagi do. There is also DirectQII source-post that port it to D3D. There is even more close to original source-ports in lite forms aka un-official patches. Any else - including KMK\KMK Lite\3.24 fake unofficial patch (still Lite version of KMK released early) - is not good at all or made for huge graphical and gameplay improvements (and ofc not all changes are good, this is mods after all)(although, normal flashlight from Q4. In 1998, Quake II action figures were released to stores by ReSaurus. yes, yamagi is good and closet to original (just updating included rendering dll to actual opengl standarts removing limitation devs made for each render to advert 3dfx). Playable windows can be changed with and. 3) The installer will detect the Quake II.

Reinstalling (with manually removing folder) should fix that. 2) Launch the Quake II RTX installer executable, or download and run from Steam. Your game started in safe mode probably (set in cfg or in link execute arguments).
Maybe whole game started in windowed mode? Alt+Enter can change it after launching. The game has spawned many celebrated mods, ranging from cartoon lumberjack machinima to a mod in which all players and weapons are crates, with larger fan projects like Action Quake 2 attracting their own thriving communities. If you on 4K - you can try also 1600x1200, but this maximum is only for 4k displays. Second ones: What is your resolution? Try set 1280x960. it fix bugs for Q2 base started not from Launcher and bug for addons corrupted saves (still addons better start from Launcher). Its definitely do-able but will take time. The base gamex86 has a decent amount of changes which breaks compilation. Note: Config files from your baseq2 directory will. Looks like the AQ2 code will need to be ported over.
Yu should unzip 3.20 full (+ctf) patch above. Download the aqtion-content zip file and extract the action directory into the same directory where baseq2 exists (in the same directory as your Quake II executable) To start Quake II under the action mode, use the following startup parameters: +set game action. Copy baseq2/pak0.pak from your Quake 2 CD or installation directory to baseq2/pak10.pak in Q2Online directory.
To upgrade Q2Online to full version Quake 2. To get all the missing assets you need to own a full version of Quake 2. Im not sure how GOG Galaxy build work, offline GOG build is broken. Q2Online consists of only free components that were distributed with the Quake 2 demo or Action Quake 2. First of - verify files (at least twice) in GOG Galaxy or reinstall for offline client.